Good Day together,
so somehow some PAL Games don't work with my Mister, Final Fantasy IX (german Version) being one of them.
Others, as Final Fantasy VII, Tomb Raider IV, Omega Boost etc. work flawlessly.
The US NTSC Version of Final Fantasy IX does work.
Aside from the Version i dumped myself from the original Disc, some Internet Sites, i also tested the Version from here,
that works flawlessly for others.
I did test out simple Stuff, as renaming the Files or puting them in other Folders.
I did test out different Bios Files and also one that a nice Users here on the Forum send me.
I tested out a whole different SD Card and did a fresh install of Mister with all its Cores from Mr Fusion.
Both are 128 GB and both from Sandisk.
After testing the Standard Settings, i messed around with different Options, as maybe it had to do with the Resolution of the Output.
So 480i/480p on/off, integer, Fast Boot etc.
The FPS count stays at 00, so it seems as just nothing happens after the PSX Logo.
I have a 1080 Minitor and i am using HDMI.
PSX Core is the newest.
Besides of this, i have no Problems at all with my Mister so far.
Breath of Fire IV is the other Game not working.
Here the same, tested with my own dumped Version and one from online.
Has someone a Suggestions ?
Edit: I now also tried to run FF IX from USB, the same.
Edit2: On another Thread with a similiar sounding Problem, but for all NTSC Games was the Bios of the PSP suggested, this did not work for me.