SNAC Link Cable with Real GameBoy Printer?

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SNAC Link Cable with Real GameBoy Printer?

Unread post by waluigi4smash2018 »

I’m considering buying an original GameBoy Printer so I can print the cute stickers from Super Mario Bros DX. As far as I understand the printer receives commands via the Link Cable, so can the MiSTer with the Link Cable SNAC be used to connect to it?

In theory I don’t see why not, since the Link Cable SNAC can be used to interface with a real GameBoy. That being said, I looked it up and couldn’t find a single person online who has tried it with the printer, and I was wondering if there was a reason for that. With technology things like this, the answer to “why doesn’t it work” is usually “it’s more complicated than that” lol.

(If someone with a low level understanding of the core thinks it wouldn’t work, I’d be curious to know why!)

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Re: SNAC Link Cable with Real GameBoy Printer?

Unread post by AngelicLiver »

Take a look at this thread; it seems to work just fine. 40watt got it working via RetroSpy display too.

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Re: SNAC Link Cable with Real GameBoy Printer?

Unread post by waluigi4smash2018 »

I see, thanks! I did look at that thread and saw people were talking about built in GameBoy Printer emulation, I didn’t notice the picture near the bottom where someone tried it with an external emulator via Link Cable. If it works with a device that emulates the GameBoy Printer over the Link Cable, it should work with a real GameBoy Printer too lol.

That being said, since I’ve only seen pictures of people using the MiSTer with emulated printers rather than the real thing, I’ll post the results to this thread if I do end up finding a real GameBoy Printer to use.

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Re: SNAC Link Cable with Real GameBoy Printer?

Unread post by AngelicLiver »

I have a printer but finding the right sized thermal paper for it was always a bit of a faff. I'm sure there are some cottage industries on Etsy, eBay or AliExpress you can buy from.

Good luck though, it sounds like the serial mode is implemented in the core so it should "just work" over SNAC, 25 year old hardware permitting!

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Re: SNAC Link Cable with Real GameBoy Printer?

Unread post by waluigi4smash2018 »

Update: it works! Thanks for the help. I recorded a short video of it working here:

IMG_8025.jpeg (4.5 MiB) Viewed 4502 times
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