MiSTer Set to DV Through RetroTink 4k Gives No Signal

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MiSTer Set to DV Through RetroTink 4k Gives No Signal

Unread post by Goemon »

Hi all,

I've recently got a Retrotink 4k and was trying to get my Mister running through it.

I've amended the .ini file on the mister to set direct video to 1 but when I plug it into the retrotink I get told there's no signal.

Plugging the mister directly into the monitor gives a 240 picture okay

Changing the mister for my Mega SG and running that through the retrotink, works fine too.

Are there more options I need to set this working?

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Re: MiSTer Set to DV Through RetroTink 4k Gives No Signal

Unread post by AngelicLiver »

It's probably worth working through the steps in this video. I don't have the Tink 4k to hand right now but I did test this some months ago and got some incredible results.

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Re: MiSTer Set to DV Through RetroTink 4k Gives No Signal

Unread post by Goemon »

Thanks for the info.

The video didn't have anything specific but I started reading through the comments and someone mentioned a similar problem. The suggested solution was to mess around with different HDMI cables as a possible fix.

I've done this and it was indeed the problem. Even though that same HDMI worked with the Mega SG through the retrotink, it was causing the mister not to display. I've swapped that out now and it's working okay. \o/

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Re: MiSTer Set to DV Through RetroTink 4k Gives No Signal

Unread post by limi »

Replacing HDMI cables and USB-C cables are the new “have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in” 😂

Once you have found a set of USB-C cables that perform at the optimal speed and HDMI cables that are known good for 4K@120, you only order those going forward 😜

(we are a decade or more past “if the plug fits, it will work”, sadly)

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