Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by blktiger »

olgierd wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2025 12:31 pm

7Gb image is not on his website. You need to email Petari (email is shown on his 8bitchip site) and he will provide instructions. At some point he’s got upset about people sharing his images without giving him any credit and now he charges (let’s say he asks for donation) for the latest image files.

Someone that either got this for free or paid could upload it to It's not like "Petari" has the moral high ground to complain or do anything about. I'd say the opposite is the case: charging money for putting together other people's work can be seen as parasitic behavior that doesn't belong in this community.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by Chris23235 »

blktiger wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:59 pm
olgierd wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2025 12:31 pm

7Gb image is not on his website. You need to email Petari (email is shown on his 8bitchip site) and he will provide instructions. At some point he’s got upset about people sharing his images without giving him any credit and now he charges (let’s say he asks for donation) for the latest image files.

Someone that either got this for free or paid could upload it to It's not like "Petari" has the moral high ground to complain or do anything about. I'd say the opposite is the case: charging money for putting together other people's work can be seen as parasitic behavior that doesn't belong in this community.

You are not really aware of Petari's work at all, correct?
He adapted thousands of games for HDD, he corrected bugs in many games, he improved and upgraded many games to make use of aditional hardware like blitter enhanced versions, he made versions of the games that stream muisic from HDD, he wrote his own HDD driver. It is for sure more then "putting together other people's work" and for sure it is not "parasitic behavior".

Some of the worst comments I have seen on this forum, being uninformed is no excuse for this terrible post.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by rhester72 »

Sorry, I just can't agree here. I'm not aware of their work either. They may have done a huge amount of work and a tremendous amount of good, and I take nothing away from that, but they are indisputably profiting off the original (much older) works of others, and that's where a clear line in the sand exists between hobby and prison time. The moment it becomes a profit motive, it's straight up indefensibly illegal.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by blktiger »

Chris23235 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:07 pm

He adapted thousands of games for HDD, he corrected bugs in many games, he improved and upgraded many games to make use of aditional hardware like blitter enhanced versions, he made versions of the games that stream muisic from HDD, he wrote his own HDD driver. It is for sure more then "putting together other people's work" and for sure it is not "parasitic behavior".

I don't give a shit, he's profiting off of other people's work without permission, that makes him a scumbag, same as all the other scumbags that sell roms on ebay except his veneer is better. There's no way to spin this otherwise.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

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Yeah he should get with the times. Nowadays you should set up a patreon and lock "beta" updates behind them!

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by Chris23235 »

rhester72 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:31 pm

Sorry, I just can't agree here. I'm not aware of their work either. They may have done a huge amount of work and a tremendous amount of good, and I take nothing away from that, but they are indisputably profiting off the original (much older) works of others, and that's where a clear line in the sand exists between hobby and prison time. The moment it becomes a profit motive, it's straight up indefensibly illegal.

It is clear that none of you is aware of his work. The adapted games can be downloaded from the website without any charge. This is like saying people in the MiSTer project with Patreon accounts are profiting of "the original (much older) works of others".

The moment it becomes a profit motive, it's straight up indefensibly illegal.

So maybe stop using your MiSTer then, because last time I checked numerous people in the project had Patreon accounts.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by Krakout »

Chris23235 wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 5:04 pm
rhester72 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:31 pm

Sorry, I just can't agree here. I'm not aware of their work either. They may have done a huge amount of work and a tremendous amount of good, and I take nothing away from that, but they are indisputably profiting off the original (much older) works of others, and that's where a clear line in the sand exists between hobby and prison time. The moment it becomes a profit motive, it's straight up indefensibly illegal.

It is clear that none of you is aware of his work. The adapted games can be downloaded from the website without any charge. This is like saying people in the MiSTer project with Patreon accounts are profiting of "the original (much older) works of others".

The moment it becomes a profit motive, it's straight up indefensibly illegal.

So maybe stop using your MiSTer then, because last time I checked numerous people in the project had Patreon accounts.

Presumably that guy would be ok if he was selling scripts and resources instead, making the whole process much more difficult.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by rhester72 »

Krakout wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 5:09 pm

Presumably that guy would be ok if he was selling scripts and resources instead, making the whole process much more difficult.

I'd be equally OK if he simply didn't charge.

This isn't exactly news, folks. Remember all the OMGROMZ! sites that perished a few years ago? Did you pay any attention to why? It was NOT because Nintendo said "oh dear Lord please don't let people download our old stuff". They do that - often - but that wasn't the problem. It was because the site owners were earning a living off of doing it through advertising revenue, which rapidly stopped being funny and resulted in actual jail time.

If someone wanted to profit off purely their own work, standing alone, sure...I'd have no issue with that, but to your point, it'd also be pretty useless in the real world. The solution, therefore, is don't charge at all. If someone's time is so valuable and they'll only do the work if they make a buck, they should get an actual career.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by rhester72 »

Chris23235 wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 5:04 pm

It is clear that none of you is aware of his work. The adapted games can be downloaded from the website without any charge. This is like saying people in the MiSTer project with Patreon accounts are profiting of "the original (much older) works of others".

You're not getting it at all. Cores are reimplementations of hardware designs with absolutely zero theft of copyright. Patched game software, not so much.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by Krakout »

Cool word salads bro, toy could've stopped at "I don't wanna pay"

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by cursedverses »

The dude should just get a Patreon or ko-fi and accept some people just aren't going to pay.

Especially with the inflated idea of charging for patches. See the Amiga's WHDLoad and the AmigaVision pack for how it's done right.

Or, fire up a YouTube channel showing people how he does it - I've seen a similar channel with someone fixing old games to work on Windows 10/11 recently...

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by niallquinn »

Pay, for what? The contents still remain the IP of somebody. I know someone who bought tons of spectrum,c64,st, amiga IPs, and persues them relentlessly, and makes a big living out of it.
If it's free to all, he's less likely to bother.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by rhester72 »

Krakout wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:26 am

Cool word salads bro, toy could've stopped at "I don't wanna pay"

No, I don't want to draw legal attention towards a hobby I enjoy very much.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by cursedverses »

niallquinn wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:24 pm

Pay, for what? The contents still remain the IP of somebody. I know someone who bought tons of spectrum,c64,st, amiga IPs, and persues them relentlessly, and makes a big living out of it.
If it's free to all, he's less likely to bother.

Can't tell if this is directed at me or the others. Honestly, I personally wouldn't pay to obtain a hard disk image, but would donate some if I found he got games working I couldn't have got working myself. Optional is key and saves arguments like these.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by niallquinn »

Wasn't directed at anyone. More having a website where you pay for something that isn't yours, is a daft thing to do. I'm surprised it's not gone to court.
Put it up on the arachive, and your less likely to gain attention, ie, nobody is chasing the 250TB+ Redumps.
Oh and the full 7gig version, is still all over the place, and downloadable.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by blktiger »

To save everyone the trouble, here's what I found in 10 seconds of using Google:

It contains links to "Petari" images, content for which he doesn't own copyrights. I fully agree with this comment. Images should also end up on sooner or later.

Fuck this person.

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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by olgierd »

blktiger wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:59 pm
olgierd wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2025 12:31 pm

7Gb image is not on his website. You need to email Petari (email is shown on his 8bitchip site) and he will provide instructions. At some point he’s got upset about people sharing his images without giving him any credit and now he charges (let’s say he asks for donation) for the latest image files.

Someone that either got this for free or paid could upload it to It's not like "Petari" has the moral high ground to complain or do anything about. I'd say the opposite is the case: charging money for putting together other people's work can be seen as parasitic behavior that doesn't belong in this community.

The truth is that Petari put countless of hours to convert floppy games to work from HD, support save states and work with most of the Atari hardware out there (ST, STe, Mega STe and even on Falcon). On the top of it, he made games launchable in similar way to Amiga Vision (with screenshots, descriptions, etc.).

I'm not going to judge his reason charging for the collection someone else's IP, but is it really moral to download the very same IP for free? Sheldon Cooper once said to Leonard: " What?! Do you see hypocrite for the first time?" ;)

If you don't want to pay for the Petari's work, you still have few other choices:

  1. Use floppy images.
  2. Find another VHD image.
  3. Download all HD adopted games from his website (all still available for download) and create VHD images for Mister yourself.
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Re: Atari ST HDD games image (save-states possible)

Unread post by clarkkent »

I still didn‘t find the 7 GB image. Does anybody have a link?

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