Scandoubler feature removed?

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Scandoubler feature removed?

Unread post by naylord »


I play on multiple displays; a 15khz component CRT, my oled but most of all my 31khz PC VGA crt. I know I can use arbitrary vga scalers on my pc vga monitor, but what I've found to be by far and beyond the best is forced_scandoubler=1. It's completly lag free and perfectly scales the image by just drawing lines twice (and with darkening on even numbered lines gives an incredible scanline effect).

I was super bummed that the psx core didn't support it, but overjoyed that the Saturn did. I just noticed after installing the most recent update that the feature isn't there anymore. Why is this? Is there any hope of it coming back? I'm wondering if it's worth manually installing an older build just for that.

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Re: Scandoubler feature removed?

Unread post by zakk4223 »

Probably removed to save space. With the latest stuff just added I think the FPGA is nearly 99% full

edit: oh I forgot another reason. the scandoubler doesn't support interlaced input

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Re: Scandoubler feature removed?

Unread post by Atohmdiy »

Isn't scandoubler a function of mister framework ?

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Re: Scandoubler feature removed?

Unread post by zakk4223 »

It is, but cores can choose not to include it.

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Re: Scandoubler feature removed?

Unread post by naylord »

On this note then, for using a scaler, what config is an optimal choice for a PC crt so that we get perfect scaling? Scandoubler was great for a no fuss 31khz solution but in theory we should just be able to just dial in a choice that is optimal for the saturn on that type of monitor.

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