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Feature request: HDMI EDID specific ini files

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:29 pm
by ziggurat
I sometimes connect my MiSTer device to different monitors, normally I use my TV or portable monitor which are 4k and 1080p respectively. So my regular ini file is set up for 1080p

Sometimes I use one of my desktop monitors, now most recently I use my 1440p monitor for such, and I also have used my 1200p monitor before, and I use the alternative ini files to use different resolutions. Which is a great solution!

What I would also think would be a great feature, if MiSTer could pick a different ini file automatically for a specific monitor, and the regular would be used if there was no spesific ini file made for the monitor. Example if you had your mister.ini file, and also an ini file with example the EISA ID of the monitor in the filename of the ini. Example mister_alt_IVO057f.ini or maybe some other more useful value.