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C64 Controls - Keyboard/Joystick

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 5:03 pm
by ShyTalk

I don’t know if i’m being stupid or not (probably am) but I find controls very hit and miss and it’s likely down to be user error but I thoight I’d check.

I’ve got my Comtroller correctly mapped on the Mister and within the core.

I’m trying to play most games with just the controller. Most games I can simply tap the keyboard until I figure out what’s what and remap it to my controller on a game by game basis. The problem is that some games it just seems like nothing on the keyboard or controller works. I can’t get through many of the title / initial screens.

I’ve read something about pressing Numpad to cycle through keyboard/joystick/mouse emulation modes but I’ve got a feeling i’m barking up the wrong tree.

I’m also aware that some games need the joystick / controller swapping just to rule that out.

If it matters, i’m jsing JiffyDOS and one game, for instance, that I can’t progress through the title screen is Garfield (.prg).

Any help would be mich appreciated!

Thank you

Re: C64 Controls - Keyboard/Joystick

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 5:36 pm
by ShyTalk
Ignore me - i’d realised i’d changed a setting in the Hardware so now everything works as it should.

Feel free to delete this.
