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DOS 3dtetris game BlockOut and spatial ability

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:26 pm
by jlivingstonsg
Played 3D Tetris game Blockout 1989-1990 and was twice as good as all other students.
Around 100 000 points on level: Out of control.
I found it again after 30 years, online to play and challenged everyone at work and students and I am still twice as good as the second best.
I found a version called BlockOut2 in open source in C/C++ and it have a global scoreboard and I am ranked number 28 there now.

Now to my question...

Am I just good at the game or do I have a high spatial ability?

Here I play a online version to 60 000 points and show how to set it up.

Because 1989 you did not control the game with a mouse. :roll: :lol:

Regards MagI