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Certain Games Don’t Sync With MiSTerCade and Arcade Monitor

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:30 pm
by Muushey

So I have a Mistercade hooked up to my MVS-25-2 through a Jamma adaptor. It hast a K7000 monitor. Majority of arcade cores work fine, but there are two that I'm having trouble with. Atari Tetris and Pang by Mitchel, the monitor cannot sync to these games. Does anyone have a fix for these, or is it something else, like these two are mid-resolution?

Re: Certain Games Don’t Sync With MiSTerCade and Arcade Monitor

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:42 pm
by zorrobandito

Not sure about their resolution but i just tested these on my CRT cab and Tetris (Atari) works great but Pang seems to boot OK but won't actually start - there's nothing to display. I tested this on my other MISTer, connected to an LCD TV and it gives a "No HDMI signal".

So, I think Tetris is the one to focus on. I see from the online database that it was a fairly standard video resolution: 336 x 240 pixels at what looks to be a fairly standard Hz - 59.92.

Type raster, resolution 336×240@59.922743 Hz, CRT 15kHz, gameplay box  (0,0)÷(336,240), display box  456×262, pixel clock @7.15909 MHz

My suggestion would be to find another game that runs at that res and frequency and check it. If it works, then the romset might be your problem. Delete it and Update_All. Of course, you could just try that from the get go...