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Reading USB input via putty terminal

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 8:04 am
by redmoonlevel9
Hi all,

I'm trying to read the inputs from my arcade joystick via usb but I'm getting nowhere.
I have the PuTTY terminal open but /dev/ttyUSB0 doesn't exist so the command from the mister github (stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 cs8 -cstopb -parenb -ixoff -ixon) doesn't work.
I've tried 'sudo udevadm monitor -u', then 'sudo udevadm info -a --path=/sys/[devicepath]' which shows me a whole lot of information, none of which I find usable.
I noticed that my joystick is registered correctly with the device from this info but can't get any further.

The original problem is that the joystick just won't work with mister even though it's a HiD device, so I wanted to see if I was even getting any input from it.
