Saving Games in ZX Spectrum Core

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Saving Games in ZX Spectrum Core

Unread post by kikusui »

Hi folks, hoping someone can help me. This seems like a silly problem and I'm sure there is a way to so this, only I can't figure out how.

Last night I was playing a game and wanted to save my progress to continue at a later timeas it's one of these old management / sim type of games. As most of these types of games do, the game asks me to insert a blank tape then press record to save the game.

How do I go about saving games like this? Do I need something like a blank .tap file?

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Re: Saving Games in ZX Spectrum Core

Unread post by bazza_12 »

Not sure if this link will help - bit of a rabbit hole to go down. good luck

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Re: Saving Games in ZX Spectrum Core

Unread post by Stinky »

I use esxdos and grab a sna, but you could probably attach a blank tap.

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