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Composite HID Joystick Not Working

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:35 pm
by nedrysoft


I have created my own Joystick interface and all my development has been done on devices other than the mister, but now I've come to the point of starting to test it with my MiSTer I've suddenly hit a problem, it doesn't work.

I did have it briefly working, but since then the best I can manage is pressing a button and MiSTer simply thinking it's held down and never accepting any further inputs.

The joystick is working fine though, if I use usbhid-dump to dump the input reports then as I press buttons the reports happily make it to the MiSTer, and when I'm running that test and have the define joypad menu open mister reverts back to the keyboard as being the input device, exit usbhid-dump and it the MiSTer joystick mapping flips back to my joystick.

I've tried pretty much everything I can think of, searched here and found a thread about composite hid devices but that didn't really shine too much info, I've searched the web, tried usb quirks but I just simply cannot get it to play nice.

The joystick works perfectly under macOS and as far as I can tell, on the MiSTer too since the hid dump is correctly showing button presses as they occur.

It is a composite device, it also exposes a HID keyboard and a CDC device, I've tried disabling the HID keyboard but that didn't resolve anything. The reason for the CDC device is that it also has a terminal that allows me to change the configuration of the device on the fly.

I've attached a screenshot that shows the output from dmesg as well as me running usbhid-dump.

Any ideas on how I go about tracking down exactly what is going on here?


OpZL3b8.png (453.34 KiB) Viewed 911 times

Re: Composite HID Joystick Not Working

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:04 am
by nedrysoft

I fixed it, nothing to do with the composite device.

I had messed up my report descriptor at some point and it was enough to make it not work on the mister correctly, macOS really didn't care and remained working.