Auto Mount File on Boot?

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Auto Mount File on Boot?

Post by shodge »

I'm pretty familiar with MiSTer file operations through the virtual SD interface. I have it working well in my core. My question is: Is there any way to auto mount a file on boot? I would like to put a filename in the Mister.ini unique to my core which is passed to my core, mounted and assigned to a pre-defined unit number. Presently, I see no way of doing this. I have to load my core [although I see a auto load for core(s)], then select the menu to assign a file through a F command. [Not a ROM - I need random access]

Any help here?

-Stan [Author CoCo3 core]

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Re: Auto Mount File on Boot?

Post by shodge »

I'm answering this as it was answered on Discord...

<Discord User> there's two ways. You can use persistent file selection, or you can use boot.vhd. FC is the option for persistent selection [in the Menu]

<ME> How do you address the boot.vhd option? I am familiar with the rom loading mech but I need random access and not a loading of a rom.

<Discord User> I can't remember if that's specific to the 486 core or general but it mounts it automatically as the first mounted interactable file index (0) let me check the main code

<ME> Interesting.... So if I have 5 allocated, I need to add one [now 6], never use 0 except for the boot - and all should work..?

<Discord User> it is generic. So it will work for any core. yes, I think so [to my question]

So it appears that upon loading boot.vhd is attempted to be loaded. If found it is assigned the first index [0]. This satisfices my needs.


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