Strange 'update_all' Script Arcade Issue

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Strange 'update_all' Script Arcade Issue

Unread post by seastalker »

Though not a newcomer here (even had the MiST before the MiSTer), I do often get an issue that seems so noob yet I don't know the answer.

I hear news about some new arcade core that will show as soon as I run the update all script... I sometimes see the script grabbing MRA files,etc in the command prompt. I ensure to have my script enable all things like Jotego cores (and enable the sub menu of premium cores), check that my Patreon Jotego file is both up to date and in the correct directory...

Then browsing my arcade section, I don't see the games in the list. I got an email earlier about Karate Champ for example, saw it download, but it fails to appear. It's not just Jotego's. The same with the IREM M72 Core - I see R-Type I and II, Ninja Spirit and the whole list download, but none show. I even look under 'organized' which sometimes in the past had some (but not all) stragglers under a categorized list, but not the main one. Same with 'alternatives' - I get hit or miss.

Sometimes I just wait longer and a future 'update all' seems to magically fix some eventually, but I haven't been trying out the beta cores or BRAND NEW) cores due to this oddity.

Is there a setting I may have missed?
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Re: Strange 'update_all' Script Arcade Issue

Unread post by jca »

This problem seems to happen randomly to random users. It happened to me a few months ago but automagically disappeared. So far it did not come back.
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Re: Strange 'update_all' Script Arcade Issue

Unread post by seastalker »

THANK YOU for letting me know! Since posting this, I did another update all, and though my previous attem,pt indeed downloaded the needed files, oddly, this time the MiSTer 'understands' that they are there and the Irem cores magically appeared. The brand new Karate Champ core from Jotego also just showed up, but when I tried to load it, I got an error that in my directory and (apparently the file it downloaded),

'br25 not found.' I jokingly think "Well MiSTer, that's the file you downloaded so don't look at me for answers" :)

I've had this type of error on other Jotego core games. The only cure I found is randomness and waiting longer, but I sometimes feel left out from the cutting edge betas and excitement of the surprise brand new things. Disclaimer: NOT 'entitled'... don't get me wrong- I'm so appreciative of the scene and I don't regret any Patreon contributions.

I now found that my internal SD card updated ok (with the above listed caveats), but my external USB mounted SD has the problem still with the updates...
Blade Runner
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Re: Strange 'update_all' Script Arcade Issue

Unread post by Blade Runner »

Run update all script ,Hold up and Change arcade offset to on
In misc tab
This will give you the new final fight AE cps2 core
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Re: Strange 'update_all' Script Arcade Issue

Unread post by seastalker »

Thank you Blade Runner, but had all that enabled. While CHECKING if I did, I figured I'd hit update_all again and now Karate Champ loads fine without the ''br25 not found' error. So weird. Is it that maybe it takes time for the right hand to know what the left is doing when hot-off-the-press cores need coordination with the update script? I have ZERO knowing if that is all emails, manual human interaction. Say Karate Champ for example... does Jotego have to tell the update script handlers that a new core is released, and then a scramble is on to get all in line for the script to pull it to people's SD cards? Maybe it is automated somehow? That 'behind the scenes' detail would actually fascinate me.

I'm just someone amazed and appreciative of all the magic that real people make on the MiSTer project.
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