USB Sockets Not Working

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USB Sockets Not Working

Post by jonesyy1984 »


I've just dug my mister out after a year or so of not using it, and I'm having a problem with none of the USB sockets detecting anything.

I have ran several fresh installs (official install + mr fusion install) on several different sd cards and none have fixed the problem.

I'm using one of those internal usb hub boards that connects with a small bridge connecter and I have a 5v 4a meanwell power supply with a splitter powering the main board and usb board.

I have tried plugging various usb devices into all the different usb ports one at a time and nothing works, no lights come on to show something has been plugged in, just nothing.

When I power it up the mister boots up into the core menu no problem, but I just cant plug a keyboard or anything else in.

Any ideas what I can try or what might be the problem?

I'm a bit of a newb to all this, so please let me know if you need any further information.


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Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:30 pm

Re: USB Sockets Not Working

Post by jonesyy1984 »


Purchased a cheap OTG USB hub adaptor from amazon for a tenner ( and plugged that into the mister and it works.....

So I managed to get the mister connected to the internet and ran an update, hoping that might have somehow fix my issue with the USB board not working, but it still doesn't work.

Does that mean I need to buy a new USB board? I'm a bit disappointed as although it was purchased 1-2 years ago, it's only actually been used for a maximum of 5 hours when I first bought it, it was stored away after that. Are they known to be temperamental? Or have I just been unlucky?

If they have a history of breaking then I might be better off just continuing to use the cheap Chinese otg hub? It's not ideal with only 3 ports, but at least it works?

Still interested to know if anyone has any idea what might be wrong with it and what my best course of action from here might be

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