Hi. I’ve had my MiSTer for a couple of years and everything has been working fine. I have the main board, a USB hub and an analogue I/O board in a stack. For the first time today, I went to touch one of the three buttons on the analogue board and got what felt like an electric shock. I thought it was possibly just static and carried on. I got a couple more shocks a bit later which was odd.
Now I’ve discovered that the three buttons on the analogue board aren’t responding any more!
The rest of the MiSTer seems to be working okay. Games still run, the controllers are okay. In the interest of full disclosure, my activity today was setting up a NSO N64 controller for the first time, using it in a wired configuration. I’m not sure how that would impact it, but thought it was worth a mention.
Any thoughts on what’s happened? Anything I can do to debug this further (ideally from within Linux as I don’t have any tools)? Has anyone else come across this problem?
Thanks for any help!