I'm new to Mister FPGA, I own a Terasic DE10-nano card + usb hub just since last week.
I'm waiting for the SDRAM card I recently bought, in the meantime I'm doing some tests with the cores that don't use SDRAM.
I tested some arcade cores (pacman, q-bert) both with de-10 nano connected in hdmi and connected in direct video via dac hdmi2vga+scart RGB cable to a CRT TV. Everything works great, (TATE video, I've to rotate the TV).
Another core that doesn't require SDRAM is turbografx, it works very well in HDMI but I can't make it work in Direct Video connected to the TV, I don't see any image, just garbage.
I don't even know if all cores support RBG direct video or what type of analog signal the turbografx core emits through direct video, if a signal compatible with my TV.
So I'm posting here my request for help because I don't know exactly which sub-forum to post in.
Can anyone give me a suggestion ?
Thank you